Hawaii - a very popular tourist destination. In 2012 there were 7.9 million tourists who went to Hawaii.
In this topic you will look at the development of Tourism in Hawaii. Here is a great article about Waikiki Beach. Use the following websites for more general information on Hawaii: Wikipedia Hawaii Tourism |
What is Waikiki like?
Watch this video below to become more familiar with Waikiki.
Watch this video below to become more familiar with Waikiki.
All the information relating to the Phases of Development, is in your workbook.
Learn more about the Moana Surfrider Hotel and its role in tourism in Waikiki - click here.
Learn more about the Moana Surfrider Hotel and its role in tourism in Waikiki - click here.
HAWAII CALLS - this was a radio show that ran from the 1930s to the 1970s. It was recorded live each week from the courtyard of the Moana Hotel on Waikiki Beach. You can listen to an example from the show, on the right, or read more here. The images below show you the change in Waikiki over time. |
1. Tourists
Use the statistics in your workbook to make sure you know the following about Hawaii's Tourists:
- How many tourists?
- Where are they from?
- How many from each source area?
- How much they spend per day (who spends the most?)
- How long do they stay in Hawaii (how many days?)
- How many have been to Hawaii before?
- Are they going to islands other than Oahu?
- Why do they visit Hawaii?
- What type of tourists visit Hawaii?
- Are tourists increasing or decreasing from the different source areas?
ABOVE: Tourists in Hawaii, from New Zealand
2. Attractions
Use the links to the following attractions on Oahu to write a description of the attraction. Write your answers in the spaces provided in your workbook. Use the terms you learn about ATTRACTIONS, at the start of the topic, to help write your description. (e.g. primary attraction, natural, fixed, etc)
Click on each picture below to find out more information
Click on each picture below to find out more information
These videos provide more information about Attractions in Hawaii, especially the one below 'Hawaii Travel Guide Video' (just be aware that the presenters pronunciation of some Hawaiian words is a bit odd)
3. Facilities
Hale'iwa caters for certain tourists with various facilities. Find out more about this small North Shore town here.
The 2 ½ km stretch along Kalakaua Ave is lined with high rise hotels (costing $300 plus, per night). Smaller, less expensive hotels/motels are located on Kuhio Ave (parallel to Kalakaua Ave).
The 2 ½ km stretch along Kalakaua Ave is lined with high rise hotels (costing $300 plus, per night). Smaller, less expensive hotels/motels are located on Kuhio Ave (parallel to Kalakaua Ave).

Moana Surfrider Hotel
The oldest Hotel in Waikiki - built in 1901. It had a •$50 million historic transformation in 1989 Take a photo tour of the hotel
The oldest Hotel in Waikiki - built in 1901. It had a •$50 million historic transformation in 1989 Take a photo tour of the hotel

Royal Hawaiian Hotel
Often called 'The Pink Palace'. Built in 1927 by the Matson Shipping company. Watch a video of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel . Listen to the song that was written for the 1927 opening of the hotel.
Often called 'The Pink Palace'. Built in 1927 by the Matson Shipping company. Watch a video of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel . Listen to the song that was written for the 1927 opening of the hotel.

Hilton Hawaiian Village
Opened in 1957. Located on the widest stretch of beach at Waikiki. Watch a video of the Hawaiian Hilton Village. Here is another video of the Hawaiian Hilton Village.
Opened in 1957. Located on the widest stretch of beach at Waikiki. Watch a video of the Hawaiian Hilton Village. Here is another video of the Hawaiian Hilton Village.

Turtle Bay Resort
Located on Oahu's North Shore. Look at a video of Turtle Bay Resort. As this resort is an hour away from Waikiki, the North Shore is the attraction. Watch a video about the North Shore.
This article explains more about Turtle Bay Resort.
Located on Oahu's North Shore. Look at a video of Turtle Bay Resort. As this resort is an hour away from Waikiki, the North Shore is the attraction. Watch a video about the North Shore.
This article explains more about Turtle Bay Resort.

Aulani Disney Resort
Located at Ko Olina, this Disney Resort opened in 2011. Watch a video of the Aulani Disney Resort and look at the photo gallery.
Listen to an interview with someone from Aulani Resort.
Located at Ko Olina, this Disney Resort opened in 2011. Watch a video of the Aulani Disney Resort and look at the photo gallery.
Listen to an interview with someone from Aulani Resort.

Ohana Waikiki East
Located on Kuhio Ave. A 'middle of the range' hotel.
Located on Kuhio Ave. A 'middle of the range' hotel.
There are many shops at Waikiki for tourists.
There are many shops at Waikiki for tourists.
Watch this 1990s commercial for Ala Moana
and click here to read more about Ala Moana Shopping Centre. |
Find out more about the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Centre here.
International Marketplace. This is a well known shopping area in Waikiki that is changing. Read more about it here, or watch the news item here, OR view the 'flyover' of the new International Marketplace that will open in 2016 on the right.. |
Airlines, Cruise Ships, the Waikiki Trolley, TheBus and the Aloha Bus

This map shows all the destinations that you can fly from to Hawaii (red is domestic and blue is international)
The Waikiki Trolley: Find out more on the website and watch the Waikiki Trolley Song (it will stick in your head all day!!) |
For those who were absent from Ms Andrews class on Friday, you need to map specific features on the maps of OAHU and WAIKIKI on pages 40 and 41 in your work book. The features are on the document to the right. Use the map below to help you. |
Spatial –
means space, location
Variations – means differences
When writing about spatial variations, you need to explain WHERE they are and WHY the variations exist. AND it must link back to the operation of Tourism Development.
The first one is about the North Shore - an example of a linear pattern along the coast (Haleiwa, Sunset Beach, Turtle Bay Resort, Waimea Valley etc) . The second one is a walk-through of Chinatown which is located in Downtown Honolulu, an example of concentration.
The map below shows you the concentration of attractions and facilities in Honolulu's Downtown. (Each icon has information about the place. )
Variations – means differences
When writing about spatial variations, you need to explain WHERE they are and WHY the variations exist. AND it must link back to the operation of Tourism Development.
The first one is about the North Shore - an example of a linear pattern along the coast (Haleiwa, Sunset Beach, Turtle Bay Resort, Waimea Valley etc) . The second one is a walk-through of Chinatown which is located in Downtown Honolulu, an example of concentration.
The map below shows you the concentration of attractions and facilities in Honolulu's Downtown. (Each icon has information about the place. )
These are a key part of Spatial Variations. You are writing about WHERE things are so a map will help show that. You need to have an annotated map, but balance it between minimal words and a novel!! It needs to link to your written answer. Refer to it in your written answer.
Below are 2 examples of annotated maps
Example #1: This one shows Waikiki. Unfortunately it is in Black and White, but the original had shaded in the linear pattern one colour and concentration in another colour (as in the key). A great way to make it clear. BUT it does need a bit more about WHY each pattern exists.www.yout
Example #2: This example is from an Excellence essay in the 2013 NCEA exam, from an AGGS student. It clearly shows the Spatial pattern on Oahu and in Waikiki. Good annotations - not too many but in enough detail.
Temporal Variations relate to changes/differences over TIME. This all links in perfectly with the information you learnt about the phases of development of tourism in Hawaii.
Temporal Variations can be SHORT TERM or LONG TERM.
SHORT TERM - think about the seasons, when people visit etc. (click here to read about 'when to visit Hawaii')
Temporal Variations can be SHORT TERM or LONG TERM.
SHORT TERM - think about the seasons, when people visit etc. (click here to read about 'when to visit Hawaii')
EXTRA INFORMATION on Temporal Variations.
In 2013 the USA government shutdown from 1st to 16th October after it failed to make decisions on legislations. Thousands of government employees were sent home AND any tourist attractions run by the government were closed. Find out more below: (think about HOW it affected tourism in Hawaii) Article - shutdown on Oahu Article - shutdown on Big Island Video |
Follow the Task sheets to the left as they will enable you to answer the questions in your workbook.
Below are variety of resources about how TD impacts on People.
You MUST follow the task instructions that you get in class to fully complete this work.
(The numbers next to/above each item relates to the independent work that you will be doing)
You MUST follow the task instructions that you get in class to fully complete this work.
(The numbers next to/above each item relates to the independent work that you will be doing)
Overcrowding - Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head (Part 2)
Overcrowding - Kapiolani Community College Farmers Markets. (Part 2)
Overcrowding - Kailua Kailua is a town located on the eastern coast of Oahu. Kailua beach is often voted the best beach in the USA. BUT residents don't want it to become another Waikiki. Click here for an article about Tourists in Kailua (there is also another article on page 103 in your workbook). |
Hawaiian Culture (Part 3)
Commercialism of Hawaiian Culture was when the culture was used in way to make money, and not necessarily respect the culture. |
Ho'okipa Learning Centre (Part 4) - teaches hosting with Aloha.
Kukulo Ola - Living Hawaiian Culture Program (Part 4) This was set up by the Hawaiian Tourism Authority to provide funding to support organisations to enhance Hawaiian Culture. |
Waikiki Historic Trail (Part 5) This trail was set up in 1994. It is a walking tour of Waikiki. Click here to read more about the Waikiki Historic Trail |
Incorporating Hawaiian Culture in Attractions (Part 5)
POLITICAL IMPACTS Changes to Visa entry (Part 6) Read this article 'Chinese tourism wave will hit Hawaii in Future' and watch the video on the right to explain the impact of more Chinese tourists visiting Hawaii. |
Other ways that Tourist operators have had to adapt to the increase in visitors from China:
- Shops from Luxury Row in Waikiki to the factory outlets in Waikele have been adding to their staff sales people fluent in Mandarin.
- Moana Surfrider and Sheraton Waikiki have Mandarin speakers on the front desk and room amenities for Chinese (e.g. green tea, slippers, Mandarin translations of hotel brochures, Chinese food on hotel menus, avoiding the number 4)
Investment (Part 8)
To find out about investment by Kyoya, click here
Watch the four videos below (in order) to add more to your notes on 'impacts of TD on people' (these videos could be watched at home in your own time as in total, they are 26 min long)
Follow the Task sheets to the left as they will enable you to answer the questions in your workbook.
Natural Environment
MARINE ENVIRONMENT General Information: (Part 9) Over 80% of visitors to Hawaii participate in marine activities during their trip such as snorkeling, diving, surfing, ocean kayaking, whale watching, dolphin watching etc. 25% of Hawaii’’s marine life is Endemic (can only be found in Hawaii) There are around 1,000 ocean recreation businesses in Hawaii Commercial tours in marine areas can cause negative impacts such as crowding and pollution Commercial tours are also capable of creating environmental awareness that may help facilitate protection of marine mammals and other species. (Part 9) Watch video on the right on Protecting Sea Life and add to your notes about WHY marine life needs to be protected and HOW it can be protected (and why people should not do what this person to the right is doing) |
Spinner Dolphins (Part 10) Many tourists want to see the dolphins when they are in Hawaii. Read about how tourism can impact on the spinner dolphins and what can be done to minimise impact (click here). |
Hanauma Bay (Part 10)
This is a popular tourist attraction but it became overused. and overcrowded. Many things have now been done to minimise the impact of tourism on this natural attraction. For example, ALL visitors to Hanauma Bay must watch this introduction video (left) before they are allowed down into the bay. No matter how many times you visit, you must watch this video first. Look at the sign below from Hanauma Bay for more ways they are trying to reduce the impact. |
And now for a bit of a break and some silliness: (Part 10 - if you have time ...)
The State fish of Hawaii is called HUMUHUMUNUKUNUKUAPUA'A (Triggerfish). tThere is a picture of this fish below.
On the right is a video from High School Musical 2 about this fish.
Waikiki Beach (Part 11)
In 2012 Waikiki beach was replenished with sand because the beach was eroding 30 cm a year.
The state, with funding from Kyo-ya Hotels and Resorts and the Hawaii Tourism Authority, pumped 24,000 cubic yards of sand from deep-water areas offshore to restore the beach from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel to the Duke Kahanamoku statue . The beach was closed from 7am to noon over a 3 month period for the replenishment to take place.
the images below show this work taking place.
Look at the images below, watch the youtube video below and this news item (click here) to explain the positives and negatives of the replenishing of sand on Waikiki Beach
Cultural Environment (Part 12)
The cultural environment contains all the man-made features - they also impact on Tourism development.
Buildings How do you think the buildings in Waikiki have affected the operation of Tourism Development? (think back over all the information you have learnt about TD in Hawaii) Watch this video on the right to add to your answer. |
Shopping Centres
How do you think the shopping centres in Waikiki have affected the operation of Tourism Development? (think back over all the information you have learnt about TD in Hawaii) Watch the video (click here) about opposition to new shops in Waikiki and this video (click here) about the changes at Ala Moana Shopping Centre. |
How do you think transport in Waikiki have affected the operation of Tourism Development?(think back over all the information you have learnt about TD in Hawaii e.g. the introduction of the Blue line on the trolley - website - or more flights from overseas -read the article on page 82 of your workbook or this article about Australian tourists) |
SUMMARY (Part 13) Watch this video 'Tourism: The Fate of Maui'. It was made by school students to explain the impact of tourism on the people and environment of Maui. Add to your notes on page 74 of the workbook. |